
Introduction and Purpose

The Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council is a non-profit, international scientific and educational organization dedicated to the management and conservation of northern wild sheep and mountain goat populations and their habitats in North America.

The Northern Wild Sheep Council was established in 1968 by a group of scientists from the U.S. and Canada. In 1978, our organization was renamed the Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council, to reflect our interest in mountain sheep and mountain goats in North America.

Our purpose is achieved by:

  1. Providing for timely exchange of research and management information.
  2. Promoting high standards in research and management; and
  3. Providing professional advice on issues involving wild sheep and mountain goat conservation and management.

Membership in the NWSGC includes professional research and management biologists and others active in the conservation of wild sheep and mountain goats. Membership in the Council is achieved either by registering at, or purchasing proceedings of, the biennial symposium. Only members may vote at the biennial business meeting.



2026 NWSGC Biennial Symposium
Spring 2026

For up to date information, subscribe to the NWSGC E-News network.

For further information, please contact :
Kevin Hurley
NWSGC Executive Director (volunteer)

c/o Wild Sheep Foundation
VP for Conservation
412 Pronghorn Trail
Bozeman, MT 59718
Phone: 406-404-8753
Cell: 307-899-9375